Sentinel Visualizer is a commercial off the shelf software product that is in use by teams of analysts in a wide range of fields. Both Sentinel Visualizer and our custom design and development services have proven applications in the following areas:
Contact Tracing is critical to minimizing the spread of COVID-19 in your community. Coronavirus infections are particularly dangerous to vulnerable
populations such as retirement homes, elderly family members, medical providers, and front-line service personnel.
By collecting and managing the data of your population, you are prepared when an outbreak occurs to quickly isolate and quarantine people who are in contact with infected individuals and minimize the transmission of this highly contagious disease.
While the Sentinel software platform is designed for rapid integration and implementation, your mission parameters may require a more tailored approach. Do you need to interface with specific systems? Do you need database or visualization extensions that are specific to the way you do business? Or do you need custom analysis modules that apply the general power of Sentinel Visualizer in a different way?
The FMS Advanced Systems Group has specific and relevant experience in deploying customized Sentinel Visualizer installations across a wide array of customer missions. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your needs.
Do you need advanced system solutions in the areas of database/knowledgebase design, or advanced analytics or modeling that are different in mission than Sentinel? Since 1986, customers worldwide have relied on us to help solve their systems needs. The FMS Advanced Systems Group has specific expertise in the following areas:
The FMS Advanced Systems Group offers a variety of comprehensive training resources for Sentinel Visualizer and custom applications. We offer user and administrator training in classroom settings, along with customized training that specifically meets your user community's needs.
As an award-winning company with tens of thousands of customers around the world, the FMS Advanced Systems Group stands ready to apply advanced solutions in support of your mission. Contact us for more information.