Gang activity is on the rise across the country. Whether it is drug related, stolen or damaged property, or violent crime; these activities are an increasingly high priority in the day to day operations of law enforcement personnel. These crimes challenge both police and correctional officers on a daily basis.
Our Sentinel Visualizer software allows law enforcement officers to organize data on individuals in one centralized knowledgebase. Suspects and related people can be linked into groups and clusters to help identify possible gang members and associates. With incremental, hierarchical and other views, the overall structure of a gang, as well as a suspect's status within the group, is quickly revealed.
Sentinel Visualizer provides a platform for local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies to share, analyze, and visualize important pieces of information that can make or break a case. Sentinel Visualizer lets you turn your case work into a sophisticated report and presentation to convey key, complex information to prosecutors, judges, or juries.
The FMS Advanced Systems Group is committed to providing our customers with products and services that solve your gang challenges in a cost-effective manner.