Microsoft SQL Server Document Full Text Search Installation Instructions Add Text Search in Saved Documents

Add Document Content Searching

One of the powerful features of Sentinel Visualizer is its ability to search the contents of documents like PDF, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files stored in the database. Follow these steps to add this functionality to your SQL Server installation.

Download and Install These Programs

  1. Download and install the latest version of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)
    Follow the prompts, click "Accept/Next/Yes" as necessary. Do Not make any changes. Please be patient as, sometimes, the screen prompts do not appear immediately. Installing SSMS can take up 20 minutes.
  2. Download and install the Microsoft Office 2010 Filter Packs, named 'FilterPack64bit.exe'.

    Follow the prompts, click "Accept/Next/Yes" as necessary. Do Not make any changes. Please be patient as, sometimes, the screen prompts do not appear immediately. This is a relatively fast installation.
  3. Download and install the PDF iFilter 64

    Follow the prompts, click "Accept/Next/Yes" as necessary. Do Not make any changes. Please be patient as, sometimes, the screen prompts do not appear immediately. This is a relatively fast installation.

Activate File Content Searching in SQL Server

  1. Open SQL Server Management Studio which was installed in Step 1 and login:
    1. The Server Name is the name of your machine followed by a back-slash and SENT4EXPRESS. For instance, MyPC\SENT4EXPRESS
    2. Enter:
      • Login: sa
      • Password: S3ntinElL0gin:7@FMS
    3. Check Remember password to avoid entering this each time.
      SSMS Server login for Sentinel Visualizer on Local SQL Express
  2. Select [New Query] from the toolbar.
    SQL Server Management Studio New Query
  3. Copy the Query below, by clicking

    EXEC sp_fulltext_service 'update_languages'; 
    EXEC sp_fulltext_service 'load_os_resources', 1;
    EXEC sp_fulltext_service 'restart_all_fdhosts';
  4. Select the database to run the query against, paste the Query into the query window. Click the [Execute] button. SQL Server Management Studio Execute Query
  5. If successful, this message appears: "Commands completed successfully."
    If that message does not appear, confirm that "master" appears in the upper-left part of the screen and rerun the query.
    SQL Server Management Studio
  6. Copy the next Query below, by clicking

    SELECT document_type
    FROM sys.fulltext_document_types
    WHERE document_type = '.docx' OR document_type = '.pdf'
  7. Paste the Query into the query window. Click the [Execute] button.
    At the bottom of the screen, this message should appear: "Query executed successfully."
    SQL Server Management Studio Execute Query

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