Backing up your Sentinel Visualizer databases is very important for protecting your data. Just like you would backup and relocate your Word, Excel, and other files in case of a hard drive crash, you should backup and store copies of your Sentinel Visualizer databases for safekeeping.
Another benefit of backing up your databases is that if a data-import fails, you can restore your database, make changes to the data-import map (svi3 file), and reimport the data.
Additionally, you can create a Master database with all of your customized Entity Types, Relationship Types, and Metadata Types. You can then use a backup of that to create (via the Restore command) new databases so that all of your customizations are already defined in every new database. This can be a significant time-saver!
Sentinel Visualizer uses Microsoft's SQL Server as its database technology. The best way to backup and restore Sentinel Visualizer databases is to use Microsoft
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
Download Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for free on the Microsoft website.
This an alternative backup and restore command that does not rely on Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and is not subject to your version of Microsoft SQL Server.
Use this approach if you:
In our examples, we use a folder called "C:\SVbackup" to store the command files that we downloaded (from the FMS website - see Step 2) and to store the backed-up files. We also use a folder called "C:\SVFiles" to store the restored database files.
Download this file (only 2K) to the folder you created in Step 1 and decompress it. The zip file contains these tiny files:
Backup.cmd is the command for backing up a SQL Server server database.
backup.cmd DatabaseName DestinationFile
backup.cmd DatabaseName c:\SVbackup\DatabaseName.bak
A batch (*.BAT) file is a text file that lets you specify the command so you can run it over and over again without having to type it each time.
An example of using the backup.cmd command is in the ex-backup.bat batch file. Copy then edit it for your file names. From Windows Explorer, right click on the file and select Edit to edit it.
If you edit or create a BAT file, make sure that you save the file as a BAT file type … otherwise, it will save as a TXT file and the batch command will no longer work.
Make a separate batch file for each database you want to backup or create one batch file that handles multiple databases. From Windows Explorer, you can double click the batch file to run it.
Here's an example of what appears when backup.cmd runs:
C:\SQLEXPRESSBACKUP>backup.cmd NameOfDatabase c:\SVbackup\NameOfDatabase.bak C:\SQLEXPRESSBACKUP>REM SQL Server Instance Name and Login C:\SQLEXPRESSBACKUP>set sqlserverinstance=SENT4EXPRESS C:\SQLEXPRESSBACKUP>set SQLlogin=S3ntinElL0gin:7@FMS C:\SQLEXPRESSBACKUP>sqlcmd -U sa -P S3ntinElL0gin:7@FMS -S .\SENT4EXPRESS -Q "BACK UP DATABASE NameOfDatabase TO DISK='c:\SVbackup\NameOfDatabase.bak' WITH INIT" Processed 288 pages for database 'NameOfDatabase', file 'NameOfDatabase' on file 1. Processed 2 pages for database 'NameOfDatabase', file 'NameOfDatabase_log' on file 1. BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed 290 pages in 0.273 seconds (8.298 MB/sec)
Look for the "BACKUP DATABASE successfully processed" message.
For disaster recovery, copy the BAK file to another location in case your hard drive crashes. The BAK file can also be used to restore the database on another computer. We also recommend that you backup your database prior to performing a data-import so you can undo the import later should you find the imported data to be unacceptable.
Restore.cmd is the command for restoring a SQL Server server database. It has this syntax:
restore.cmd BackupFile DatabaseName NewDatabaseName DatabaseFolder
restore.cmd c:\SVbackup\BackupFile.bak DatabaseName NewDatabaseName c:\SVFiles
A batch (*.BAT) file is a text file that lets you specify the command so you can run it over and over again without having to type it each time.
An example of using the restore.cmd command is in the ex-restore.bat batch file. Copy then edit it for your file names. From Windows Explorer, right click on the file and select Edit to edit it.
If you edit or create a BAT file, make sure that you save the file as a BAT file type … otherwise, it will save as a TXT file and the batch command will no longer work.
Make a separate batch file for each database you want to restore or create one batch file that handles multiple databases. From Windows Explorer, you can double click the batch file to run it.
Here's an example of what appears when restore.cmd runs:
C:\SQLEXPRESSBACKUP>restore.cmd c:\SVbackup\NameOfDatabase.bak MyDatabase MyNewDatabase c:\SVFiles C:\SQLEXPRESSBACKUP>REM SQL Server Instance Name and Login C:\SQLEXPRESSBACKUP>set SQLinstance=SENT4EXPRESS C:\SQLEXPRESSBACKUP>set SQLlogin=S3ntinElL0gin:7@FMS C:\SQLEXPRESSBACKUP>sqlcmd -U sa -P S3ntinElL0gin:7@FMS -S .\SENT4EXPRESS -Q "REST ORE DATABASE MyNewDatabase FROM DISK='c:\SVbackup\NameOfDatabase.bak' with move 'NameOfDatabase' to 'c:\SVFiles \MyNewDatabase.mdf', move 'MyDatabase_log' to 'c:\SVFiles\MyNewDatabase.ldf'" Processed 288 pages for database 'MyNewDatabase', file 'MyDatabase' on file 1. Processed 2 pages for database 'MyNewDatabase', file 'MyDatabase_log' on file 1. RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed 290 pages in 0.188 seconds (12.051 MB/sec).
Look for the "RESTORE DATABASE successfully processed" message. The database should now be accessible within the Sentinel Visualizer program:
The restored database should appear in the list.